Join us to plant trees & save the earth
The earth is facing numerous issues related to environmental degradation and various kind of pollution resulting in serious climate change. A decade ago hardly anyone knew about the real danger of climate change, many of them called it a hoax but within 10 years it is the greatest issue that we are facing. But rich and powerful people still behave as if they will survive only the common will have to suffer and they don't care about it. So the time has come that common people should take the responsibility for their lives and start working for the betterment of the environment. There are several issues like air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, shortage of Underground water reserves, drought and floods, etc, and there is one solution that is trees. Reviving the legacy of trees and forests that are our true wealth. Trees have solutions to most of our environmental-related problems and instead of screaming at problems let us start focusing on the real solution. Plant more and more trees associated with Nidhivan Foundation in this journey

Water bodies Desilted

Cum Storange capacity

Raom water hanvesting structures created
Our Mission
We aim to plant as many saplings as possible on the bare lands of the public spaces and cover those empty spaces with greenery. We aim to minimise the loss of trees humans have done in the past and still are doing, by planting and growing more saplings in public provinces. We aim to restore the quality of air so we can breathe fresh air, eat healthy and natural food, and enjoy the different seasons through winter, summer and rain equally. To become a catalyst of change by creating
awareness to vary habits for improving the environment leading to a clean and
safe place to measure and work for future generations."
A clean and green environment which results in a
far better society and a nation at large by creating movements self-directed by
the citizens.
Nidhivan Foundation is an environmental & social based non-profit
charitable trust which helps to plant trees in our mother earth and share the
green revolution.
Nidhivan Foundation : 100% Non Profit Organization, Established in 2021.
With your support we are able to provide forestation and tree plantation
programmed- Save the earth & save the nature by planting trees, as well as
donations and aid to
Donate Now To Plant/Adopt A tree.

Our Story
Nidhivan foundation is a non-profit organization that works for environmental
protection and save environment from bio medical waste pollution. primary
purpose is to sensitise and educate people on the ill effects of burning waste.
Nidhivan Foundation is an environmental & social based non-profit
charitable trust which helps to plant trees in our mother earth and share the
green revolution.Nidhivan Foundation : 100% Non Profit Organization,
Established in 2015. With your support we are able to provide forestation and
tree plantation programme- Save the earth & save the nature by planting
When the covid-19 hit the world and all were locked inside our homes, we saw how nature was relaxing and healing. Soon after we saw the tragic shortage of oxygen. People's lungs have been damaged by the quality we are inhaling and we lost many of our fellow humans to this disease. Things could have been better if we didn't destroy our Saviour our treasure of forests. We then determined to start a new beginning by planting trees on our own. Someone has to start and let the people join. Since that day many people have joined our hands in making our surroundings greener.
How We Utilize Your Funds?

What You Receive?
Certification of
Tree tag with
your name
Tree location
on Google map
Income Tax
Explore where we work in India
We undertake porjects that address our conservation priorities across India. You can find out more details about these projects by clicking on the points in the map below

Frequently Asked Questions
The Best Time To Plant Trees Is Now
Save Trees Save Earth With NidhiVan Foundation